Our Cloud system simply means that your database is located at another location (In the Cloud) maintained by Liberty Computers. Your computer(s) in the store will access the database through an internet connection. Whether you have one or multiple stores our cloud service offers so many benefits.
Your database is housed in a secure environment that is backed up and maintained 24/7, 365 days a year
Centralizing Multiple Locations
If you have more than one store, each location will be connected together using one database.
Customers Can Use All Locations
No matter what store they use the customer will only be in the system once. This means that if they are a billing customer they will now receive only one bill instead of multiple ones you are most likely sending now. A customer can also drop off clothes in one store and can request the pickup at another.
Make a Setting Change that Updates all Stores
Whether you want to make a change to one store or all stores. Hosting makes the job fast and convenient. For instance, change a price, add a coupon, choose which store (or all) and the change is immediately reflected at each store.
Support Contract
Is included in monthly hosting charge. (Unlimited priority support calls, remote support, after hour support).
Enhanced Reports
No more adding up totals for each store. You will get a detail for each store and then a grand total.
Free Software Updates & Upgrades
are also included. You will always have the latest software version from Liberty.
Data Backups
Are performed by us. You no longer need to worry if your employee's are performing a backup. We will take care of this for you.
Branded App
is only available for purchase on Cloud Systems.
No Static IP Address is Required
No extra charge from your internet provider.
Lower Upfront Costs
You don't need to buy and manage infrastructure